How to enable virtual desktop on Chromebook


Last year Google announced that it was bringing an acclaimed improvement to its Chromebook computers: the ability to create virtual desktops. This option can be very useful to organize your workspace and separate it into several windows. In this case, up to 4 different desktops. Do you want to know how to do it? We explain it to you


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Enable virtual desktop on Chromebook

In order to make use of this advantage, first of all you will need to enable virtual desktops , since otherwise they will not appear. To do it you must:

1- Open the Chrome browser

2- En la barra de búsquedas escribe: «chrome://flags/#enable-virtual-desks»

3- En la opción de habilitar escritorios virtuales, haz clic en «Enabled«.

4- Para que se apliquen los cambios, haz clic en «Restart now” at the bottom right of the window.

Create your virtual desktop

Once you have virtual desktops enabled, you can add them to your Chromebook. You just have to go to the top of the screen and click on “+ New Desk«.

Useful shortcuts for the virtual desktop

As you know, on all computers there are multiple shortcuts that can be very useful and make daily work much easier and faster. Well, to move between one virtual desktop and another, there is also one. Some are as follows:

  • ctrl + Add a new virtual desktop.
  • ctrl + – Delete a virtual desktop.
  • ctrl + ] activate desks on the right
  • ctrl + [ activate desks on the left
  • ctrl + shift[ move the active window to the virtual desktop on the left
  • ctrl + shift + ] moves the active window to the virtual desktop on the right


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